The photo you see above is the result of many days of reading, researching, headache. It is the first PC I've ever built. It was only about three weeks ago that I began to take interest in building a computer. At first the idea seemed daunting as I knew very little of computer parts and even less about what each did. Yet after reading many articles on building computers and watching several Youtube videos on how to build them I felt confident enough to start my own PC build journey. Two websites I found myself going back to repeatedly during the process were and The former allows you to select each part needed to build a PC, minimum 8 needed, and lets you know how they all work with each other by giving you several benchmark test results. It also includes the cheapest available price online for each part comparing sites like Newegg and Amazon and a handy chart on each parts' price fluctuation. The market for computer parts is constantly changing so buying computer parts at the lowest price is a tough thing to do. Tom's Hardware is a website dedicated to everything PC. It contains several articles on the lastest graphics cards, CPUs and other computer components letting you know the pros and cons of each part. What was most useful to me on this website were the reports on the latest graphics cards and CPUs to date letting you know which GPU and CPU is the best for the money. Building a PC is not a hard thing to do but it does take much time and dedication to make it to the end. However, the first time you power up a PC you've built yourself is a very satisfying feeling. In this day when almost every household has a computer it doesn't hurt to get yourself familiarized with its inner workings to save yourself headache in the long run with repairs and upgrades.